
Annual Membership Meeting

October 21, 2023

  • 4:00pm Welcome!  Social Time with Neighbors and Special Guests
    • Submit your questions for the Candidates Forum
    • Special Guests:
        • Tim Kaine, US Senate                         Jennifer McClellan, US House of Representatives
        • Rae Cousins, House of Delegates        Kyle Sundberg, write-in for House of Delegates
        • Lamont Bagby, Virginia Senate           Gary Lindsay, Principal, Holton Elementary
        • Katherine Jordan, City Council           Jacqueline Lapsley, President of Union Seminary
        • Kenya Gibson, School Board               Mariah White, School Board
  • 4:30pm Introduction of Special Guests – Norma Murdoch-Kitt
  • 4:45pm Candidates Forum – Norma Murdoch-Kitt
  • 5:45pm General Membership Meeting – Norma Murdoch-Kitt
    • Recognition of Long-Term Board Members
    • President’s Report
    • Approval of 2022 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Planning and Zoning Report
  • 6:00pm Board Election –
    • Slate Officers
      • President – Melody Imburg
      • Vice President – Norma Murdoch-Kitt
      • Treasurer – Matt Rose
      • Secretary – Robyn Houser Bridges
    • Other Board Positions
      • Member at Large – Karen Bernhard
      • District Representatives – John Marriner
      • Membership – Candance Blydenburgh
      • Planning and Zoning – Stephen Weisensale
      • Public Safety – Mary Ann Batsche
      • Newsletter Editor – Anne Thorn
    • Vacant Board Positions
      • Ways and Means/Fundraising
      • Member at Large
      • Communications
      • Events/Social
    • District Representatives
      • N1 vacant   N2 vacant   N3 vacant
      • W1 John Marriner   W2 vacant   W3 Becca Rosner
      • E1 Leslee Oliver   E2 Sarah Bergh  E3 vacant
      • S1 Vacant

Please note that nominations may also be made from the floor for any position. If you are interested in serving in one of our vacant positions, please contact Melody Imburg,

  •  6:15pm Chili Cookoff!  Enjoy the chili, vote for your fave, and mingle with neighbors and special guests.
  • 7:00pm Adjourn

We will be approving the November 2022

annual meeting meetings.

Please review them here:  Nov 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes