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Ginter Park Gazette, Special Edition- 

We are bringing this Special Edition to you today in order to provide a timely request for residents within our association boundaries to participate in a Laburnum Avenue Improvements Survey, constructed through collaboration between the Bellevue Civic Association, Ginter Park Residents Association, Rosedale Civic Association, and the Hermitage Road Historic District Association. We recognize and thank the Bellevue Civic Association Traffic Committee for leading this effort.

This survey addresses both Laburnum Avenue, between Hermitage and Brook Road and the Hermitage-Laburnum Avenue intersection, newly cleared of the A.P. Hill monument.

This link leads to the survey. Please complete and submit at your earliest convenience.

Background and References for the Laburnum Avenue Widening Project (Recently renamed Laburnum Avenue Parking Improvement Project by City)

Small City projects are not normally listed with descriptions however, the project is under the name 3rd District Infrastructure and is shown here: Laburnum Ave. Widening 

Background: The project originated through citizen complaints of vehicles striking parked cars along Laburnum as well as discussions with the community association.  To reduce property damage and help eliminate illegal parking on the outside curb, the improvement was established to reduce the median width and allow for a wider parking lane. Original funding was established by a City Council amendment to the CIP budget at the request of CM Hilbert.

Project Details: 

Conceptual design is complete, with 60% plan designing underway. 

The current median is 16 feet wide and the  proposal is to make it 2 feet smaller with an 8 foot parking lane, a 11 foot outside lane and a 10 foot inside lane. No utilities will be relocated except at Lamont with moving a light. Trees in the median are slated to be removed and replaced with trees approved by the arborist. 

The inside lane will be closed during construction. 


The project is estimated at a cost of $1.2 Million

Project funding deficit as of November 2022 is $800,000

Full funding is required prior to construction. Full funding is not expected until early 2024 however, funding status is subject to change.   

 Approval Process:  

Approval required by City Council














**The images of a Protected Intersection Design and a Round-about Design are simply examples of such road designs.\, but may be of interest to readers in terms of the Hermitage-Laburnum intersection conversations.

Speaking of Surveys…

Thank you to those who submitted Ginter Park Residents Association Annual Surveys. We are hard at work summarizing the findings and will report those to you soon.

Ginter Park News, February Edition, will be coming to you on February 3! Be engaged, be informed, don’t miss a thing!